Phogat Associates

Yashika Platina Street

Commercial in Gurgaon

Yashika Platina Street

Investment Option in Yashika Platina Street

Premium Retail Shops   |   Food Court   |   Anchor Stores

FAQs about Yashika Platina Street:

Q: What is the total number of units in the project?

A: The project comprises a total of 515 units.

Q: What is the size of the total project area?

A: The total project area spans approximately 3.72 acres or 15.04901 square meters.

Q: What materials are used for flooring in common areas?

A: Common areas are floored with either stone or tiles.

Q:What are the bathroom fittings made of?

A: The bathroom fittings are made of chinaware with CP (Chrome Plated) fittings.

Q:What materials are used for doors and windows frames?

A: Doors and windows frames are made of either aluminum or MS (Mild Steel) with glass.

Phogat Associates

Founded in 2010 by its visionary founder Mr. Amit Phogat, Phogat Associates has emerged as a leading real estate consultant in India.

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