GYGY Mentis

Commercial Property in Noida

GYGY Mentis

Investment Option in GYGY Mentis

Retail Shops   |   Food Court

FAQs about GYGY Mentis:

Q: Where is GYGY Mentis located?

A: GYGY Mentis is located in Sector 140, Noida. You can click [here](insert link) to view project details.

Q: What property types are available in GYGY Mentis?

A: The available property types in GYGY Mentis are Bare Shell Office Space and Shops.

Q: How many towers are there in GYGY Mentis?

A: GYGY Mentis comprises 3 towers, offering a total of 24 housing units.

Q: What is the total number of floors in GYGY Mentis?

A: GYGY Mentis has a total of 23 floors in the project.

Phogat Associates

Founded in 2010 by its visionary founder Mr. Amit Phogat, Phogat Associates has emerged as a leading real estate consultant in India

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